E-Waste Recycling

As technology advances and better, faster more efficient devices replace older technology, the challenge of retiring obsolete and older assets can be a daunting task. With stringent and often cost prohibitive regulations in place, it is all too important that you choose a partner that has both experience and effective processing capabilities for ensuring safe and responsible recycling programs.
Often, products that have reached the end of their useful life for your current needs, can be re-deployed into an application that will extend the life of the product. The best form of recycling is reuse. Prism is committed to channeling as many products as possible back into service.
Despite all of our efforts, there are thousands of items big and small that simply cannot be re-used. Our de-manufacturing process is designed to minimize waste streams while maximizing returns. Everything we handle is evaluated, dismantled and separated into recyclable commodities. All of our employees are trained thoroughly in efficient handling techniques as well as comprehensive product identification for maximum efficiency.
Our commitment to environmental liability are always at the forefront of our policies and procedures.
Some of the products we recycle are as follows:

- Printed Circuit Boards
- Precious Metals (Refining)
- Power Supplies
- CD / DVD Roms
- Hard Drives
- LCD’s
- Laptops
- Desktops
- Servers
- Semiconductors
- Floppy Drives
- Chassis
- Racks
- Network and telecom equipment
- Industrial equipment
- Computers, printers, and laptops
- Semiconductors
- UPS and Batteries
- Electromechanical Devices
- Cell phones
- Solar cell wafers
- Distribution equipment
- Plastic
- Metals (steel, copper, aluminum, etc.)
- Wire
- Appliances